Monthly Archives: April 2015

The Profit Of Not Curing Cancer

Unbelievable from today’s perspective: Doctors actually pronounced smoking as safe. Today we are eating a junk food diet with too much sugar that is causing cancer, diabetes and many other diseases. In a few decades people will look back and say: How could this have been possible?

Will the Real Kellene Bishop Please Stand Up?

This is an article which I wrote that was published in Monetary Intelligence Magazine in March 2009.  It’s clear that the hype we receive on a great many “studies and statistics” from our government agencies is misleading at best.  As someone who has gone through her own cancer scare, this information makes me feel so abandoned by a country I love. 
History of Errors

cigaretteIn the December 1959 issue of American Medical Association Journal, an editorial was published that boldly stated there was insufficient evidence “to warrant the assumption” that cigarette smoking was the principal factor in the increase of lung cancer.  Who were the medical experts who authored such blatant falsehoods?  Dr. Ian MacDonald, a prominent cancer surgeon, and Dr. Henry Garland, an internationally recognized specialist in radiology.  These two individuals made national headlines with their claims.  In fact, Dr. Garland specifically stated that…

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