Category Archives: humanity

Pity the nation whose people are sheep

“Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves…” – Lawrence Ferlinghetti –

Voters in more than 60 countries are going to the polls this year, as the ominous tide of extremism gains momentum globally, fostering a toxic atmosphere of xenophobia, fear, and division, and undermining basic democratic principles.

The central African country of Rwanda serves as an extreme example of what is possible when extremism captures the minds of an entire nation. About one million people of the Tutsi minority and Hutu moderates were slaughtered in the genocide in April 1994.

In an unprecedented wild frenzy of killings, people grabbed machetes, clubs, firearms, and other crude weapons turning on neighbors, colleagues, and even family members. Many of the key perpetrators were well-educated, having studied at elite Western universities.

The role of mass media in a genocide

Weeks before the genocide radio stations and media outlets stepped up their hate speech and then turned to incitement of direct violence against the Tutsi population, encouraging ordinary citizens to take up arms and participate in the killings.

If you think this is not possible in modern Western societies, think again. Germany was a democratic country in the 1920s with a well-educated middle class until the Nazis seized control. Yugoslavia descended into a genocidal civil war in the 1990s.

When the dark shadows of the collective subconscious are captured, anything is possible. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung warned that nothing is more dangerous than a psychic epidemic fanned by toxic emotions.

A simple but effective message of hate and fear

We are seeing much of the same narrative toward immigrants and refugees in the United States, Europe, and other countries. The message is simple but highly effective: Illegal immigrants are swamping our society, coming to take your job, and ramping up crime. Dysfunctional behavior by an individual or a crime committed by an individual is boxed into a behavior pattern of a certain group or minority.

Extremist fringe groups riding the wave of xenophobia, fear, and anxiety have become mainstream in formerly tolerant countries such as the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Britain, and Germany. The conservative Republican party in the United States has basically been hijacked by MAGA Trump extremists.

The real facts on immigration

Few media outlets take the trouble to look at the real facts in the hysterical debate on immigration, refugees, and undocumented immigrants and to expose the lies of the demagogues.

Despite the media and political narrative in the United States crime among undocumented immigrants is much lower than in the native population, according to several studies, notably in the U.S. state of Texas.

What is true in the United States also applies to many European countries. Crime among foreign immigrants or refugees is much lower than in the native population. This is because the consequences such as deportation are much harsher and immigrant communities normally have a healthy community network.

Photo by Ahmed akacha on

A study published in the Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice in 2018 even found that undocumented immigration was associated with decreased violent crime rates.

The mortal fear that societies will be swamped by foreigners also needs to be put into perspective. As of 2021, the 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States represented only about three percent of the total U.S. population and 22 percent of the foreign-born population. These percentages were among the lowest since the 1990s, according to the Pew Research Center.

In Europe, the estimates indicate that there were around 3.9 to 4.8 million irregular migrants living in the European Union as of 2017 with a total population of around 512 million. This equals only about 0.76 to 0.94 percent of the total population.

If we compare Jordan’s population of around ten million people the proportion of Syrian refugees alone is about 6.5 per cent. Lebanon’s population of around six million people hosts over 1.5 million Syrian refugees.

Despite language and cultural differences more than half of the Syrian refugees who came to Germany six years ago have a job, two-thirds of them work full-time and 70 percent of them have a qualified job.

Nearly half of the people currently receiving social welfare are foreigners in Germany but this has to be put into perspective when you consider that most of them are people who fled Ukraine. It is much the same in the UK and other Western European countries bearing the brunt of providing food and shelter for people who fled Ukraine after the Russian invasion in 2022.

Why are people migrating from their home countries?

The debate on immigration is missing the key aspects of why people are leaving their home countries. If you or your family are threatened with persecution by an authoritarian regime, or your children have no food to eat, you will do everything to save them from starvation or death.

Millions of people will continue to leave their home countries if the socio-economic conditions in these countries are not addressed, especially if a growing number of autocrats and dictators in these countries live in luxury while their populations starve. With the impact of climate change, especially affecting poorer countries severe droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events are exacerbating the situation.

On the positive side migrants often bring valuable skills, talents, and expertise that benefit the economy, leading to higher productivity and competitiveness. Cultural exchange also fosters creativity, cross-cultural understanding, tolerance, and appreciation of diversity as a principle of creation.

Racism, hate and xenophobia goes against the very principle of creation based on diversity, adaptation to change, creativity and evolution of conciousness. It is the very opposite of our ultimate purpose on earth – spreading kindness, love and compassion.

Immigrants are often highly motivated and entrepreneurial, leading to the creation of new businesses, industries, and jobs. Several studies currently point to the generally growth-promoting effects of migration on international trade and investment.

As Lawrence Ferlinghetti so succinctly puts it: “Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own and no other culture but its own. Pity the nation whose breath is money and sleeps the sleep of the too-well-fed. Pity the nation – oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode.”

Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker

P.S. I’m excited to announce the release of my latest book, “The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom for Purposeful Living.” If you enjoy it, you might also be interested in my previous works, “Deep Walking for Body, Mind and Soul” and “Walking on Edge: A Pilgrimage to Santiago.” You can find all of these titles at reputable bookstores near you.

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Filed under humanity, mass media, mental health, mental-health

The Killer in the Kremlin

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Boenhoeffer (German theologian killed by the Nazis)

A couple of days back, a startling headline lit up my screen: Russian dissident Alexei Navalny had been assassinated. The news shook me to my core, leaving me appalled at the apparent depths to which Russian leader Vladimir Putin would stoop, fully aware of the shockwaves it would send worldwide.

Navalny’s murder snuffed out a beacon of hope in the oppressive landscape of Putin’s Russia. When a leader turns to such brutal tactics, it reveals not strength but profound weakness. Navalny epitomized everything the autocrat in the Kremlin was not.

It is the nature of dictatorial regimes that they bring forth the best and the worst extremes in mankind. South Africa’s apartheid regime had shining examples of courage and humanity in Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Steve Biko, and many others. Nazi Germany had Dietrich Boenhoeffer and dissidents such as Sophie Scholl. Czechoslovakia had Vaclav Havel and Poland Lech Walesa.

Navalny’s assassination, probably directly ordered by Putin, is one of many in today’s Russia including opposition politicians, journalists, businessmen, and academics who dared speak out about the corruption, cruelty, and nepotism.

We discover who we are in confronting evil and at the same time the darkness and the light within. The external is a reflection of that which is within. Evil manifests itself where there is a complete absence of what is good and pure.

Failure to engage in self-reflection, transmuting one’s own shadows, and speaking out against evil renders one vulnerable to the influence of evil. This truth was starkly realized by figures such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Winston Churchill during World War II. Attempting to placate, appease, or negotiate with evil proves futile, as it perceives such actions as weaknesses, stemming from a consciousness devoid of moral values.

In Greek mythology, the evil Goddess Eris has the only purpose of sowing discord. She causes a conflict among the Goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite by throwing a golden apple among them with the words: “to the fairest”.

No other God wanted to be put on the receiving end of the wrath of the three Goddesses by choosing one of them as the fairest. The Goddesses then ask the mortal prince of Troy Paris to do it for them. Each tries to bribe him by pledging great gifts, and Paris then gives the apple to Aphrodite who had promised to make the most beautiful woman on earth fall in love with him.

The woman chosen was Helen, the queen of Sparta and wife to Menelaus. When Paris eloped off with her, Menelaus declared war on Troy, rallying all the Greek kings, and triggering the Trojan War.

Another Greek Goddess, Enyo, delighted in war and destruction, bloodshed, and the ransacking of cities.

The fallen angel and the lure of power

Christianity describes the devil, Satan, as a fallen angel and the very personification of evil. He was expelled from Heaven at the beginning of time after attempting to become equal to God.

The archetypal motif of the fallen angel or Lucifer is found in Summerian folklore, Roman mythology, Germanic tribes, and the Vedas.

In popular culture, we find Darth Vader, a fictional character in the Star Wars series. He is the dark father and the personification of evil in popular culture, serving the empire as its chief enforcer.

The windows to the soul

Eyes are said to be the windows to the soul with the bible quoting several passages in this vein. “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,” (Matthew 6:22). “But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Matthew 6:23).

Photo by wendel moretti on

I remember very well when my elderly German neighbor, who had experienced the horrors of World War II, remarked on Vladimir Putin’s ascension to power in 1999. “You can’t trust him. His eyes are cold like those of a wolf.”

U.S. President Joe Biden told Putin during a closed-door meeting in 2011: “I looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul,’ and [he] looked back at me, he said, ‘We understand each other.'”

For all those millions of people in the West who blindly follow the Russian narrative of lies, deception and fake news, I highly recommend the book: “The Killer in the Kremlin”, an explosive account and exposure of Putin’s tyranny and sinister ambitions by award-winning journalist John Sweeney.

Often evil disguises its real intentions behind a smokescreen of lies, disinformation, and false flag operations. It is the playbook of such Lords of Evil as Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. In our lifetime we have to face the truth. We have another Lord of Evil in Vladimir Putin. Over decades he has not only duped western politicians but much of the rest of the world. Let’s connect the dots just to illustrate how much this Lord of Evil has sown destruction and discord.

  • Under Putin, Soviet-era repression has given way to a marriage between kleptocracy and organized crime, turning Russia into a “Mafia state”.. Organized crime has become an outgrowth of the political machine. Mafia cells have undertaken assassinations, facilitated coercion, and extortion. Outspoken Putin critics such as Garry Kasparov have all the while warned and revealed the true nature of the monster.
  • During a closed-door meeting in the year 2000, Putin is said to have offered the wealthiest Russian oligarchs a deal: Surrender to my authority, and you can keep your mansions, and multibillion-dollar corporations. Those oligarchs who reneged on this deal and undermined Putin were thrown into prison or died under mysterious circumstances. Putin’s wealth is a secret but it can be safely assumed that he has used the oligarchs as a major source of his hidden assets.
  • Turning Russia into a Mafia-type state has given Putin huge resources to weaken Western democracies. Putin has repeatedly voiced his disgust for the multi-culturalism, sexual diversity, and free speech which he sees as a direct threat to his authoritarian and 19th-century imperialist dreams. Over the years he has funneled huge resources to rightwing and extremist groups in western countries, spreading lies and disinformation on social media through Russian state-funded bots.
  • And then the Lord of Evil decides to invade Ukraine, the world’s breadbasket, triggering the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II and possibly the deaths of millions of people in Third World countries due to famine. Meanwhile, we have become almost emotionally immune to the daily bombardment of playgrounds, hospitals, and residential buildings in Ukraine as Putin wages a war against innocent civilians.

What does humanity have to learn from all this?

We need the enemy, and the opposite perspective to gain clarity on our own core values and choices. Often the question is asked: “If there is a God, why does he allow evil?”

But we have been given the power of choice. We cannot blame dysfunctional human actions on the Creator. God has often been seen as a strict father figure punishing his flock for sinful or bad behavior. The Mystics in contrast view God, the universal creator or the divine as “a state of Being” – the connection to pure love, kindness, and compassion. The manifestation of evil would therefore be the opposite condition – the state of complete absence of God.

Napoleon Hill once said that every evil carries within it the flames of self-destruction. It was a warning by the famous mentor to his students, political and business leaders to reflect carefully on their actions and goals. When they are not in sync with the universe and designed for the benefit of all, those flames will come back to burn you.

Sometimes those flames can come in the form of such deep disgust and regret with the “Self” that it manifests in self-destructive behavior such as addiction or serious illness.

The tragedy is that the character once held by the stranglehold of the shadow demons finds himself incapable of self-reflection.

Most suffering that we experience in our personal lives or that we witness in the external world is a result of bad human choices and actions carried out from a low level of spiritual disconnect.

The word “evil” is often used in a confusing context to blame, vilify or distract.

The wisdom of the ancient Mystics can be a good guideline. Basic human nature has not changed much over the centuries. There will always be a segment of people who don’t give any regard to the outcome of their actions. Meister Eckhart, the great Dominican friar of the early fourteenth century, warned against those whose “sole concern is how to gain honors, wealth, and pleasure.”

These people, according to Eckart, are those who lack all sense of humility by “running in front of God.” Inevitably their lives will be haunted by what they call bad luck or a bad hand. They will be blaming God, fate, people different from themselves, and basically everyone for what has gone wrong in their lives. They are filled with hate, resentment, and anger. They are the malignant narcissists of our age who seek only personal validation and glory.

As the Lord of Evil and his followers spin the narrative of hate, division, and destruction some comfort can be taken from the fact that evil ultimately destroys itself because it is out of sync with the laws of the universe. The thoughts, actions, and energy you send out inevitably come back to you.

In the same way, the path of light which is that of kindness, unconditional love, compassion, unity, tolerance, gratitude, and acceptance will bless you in a multitude of ways. You will be living a happy and blissful life if you make yourself an instrument of divine purpose.

Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker

P.S. I’m excited to announce the release of my latest book, “The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom for Purposeful Living.” If you enjoy it, you might also be interested in my previous works, “Deep Walking for Body, Mind and Soul” and “Walking on Edge: A Pilgrimage to Santiago.” You can find all of these titles at reputable bookstores near you.

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Why nobody is safe from a cult

Have you asked yourself why decent, educated, and well-meaning people are pulled into the dragnet of a dangerous cult? Do you think you are immune to making the same mistake? All it takes for them to capture your mind is to push certain emotional triggers and feelings.

Times of uncertainty and rapid change impact personal lives in multiple ways. The world’s getting more complex. We are seeking easy answers and simple solutions. If you are at an especially vulnerable point in your life. If you haven’t done the self-work in transmuting archaic fears, anxieties, and anger issues, you are at risk.

Historians and psychologists to this day ask themselves why a highly civilized nation that brought forth some of the world’s greatest philosophers, writers, and inventors could literally “worship” in masses a madman demagogue like Adolf Hitler. Cult leaders in different variations are malignant narcissists, display psychotic personality disorders, and carry an extreme personal grievance.

Hitler perfectly epitomized and tapped into the collective humiliation and undercurrent seething anger Germans felt after losing a war and suffering hunger and poverty during the economic meltdown of the 1930s. With a rising number of extremist groups coming to the fore in once unshakeable democracies, scholars and historians are seeing dangerous parallels and comparisons to the 1930s and the rise of fascism that culminated in the catastrophe of World War II.

An “us-versus-them” mentality

Cult movements typically have an “us versus them” mentality, providing a “safe haven” for individuals who have suffered a personal loss or humiliation. The “tribe” in the form of an organization, religion or political movement with a charismatic leader at its head perceives all outsiders of the movement as a threat. They will pound the message of “exceptionalism” of their leader or group. The “non-believers” and especially minority groups are vilified and dehumanized. Followers of the cult inevitably break off contact with family, and friends who do not belong or refuse “to see the light.”

Control and Isolation

The control mechanisms of a cult can be on a very subtle emotional level. Once the member has gone all-in by severing long-term relationships, it becomes very difficult to return to the old life. Few people will admit to having made a mistake or the wrong decision after sacrificing the best years of their lives and donating all their money to the “movement” or “cause.” We are hard-wired as social beings and it gets very difficult to leave “the cult family”. Those who leave are vilified as traitors to the cause, threatened, and in extreme cases harmed physically and mentally.

Photo by Luis Dalvan on

Group-Think, Lies and Deception

Once in the movement you inevitably become part of “group-think.” Members expressing the faintest doubts, who engage in a critical discourse or ask the wrong questions are shamed, coerced, and brought into line by the cult leader or his lieutenants. The critics will be told that they are “in their ego” or have strayed from the path – a favorite one in the religious cults. They will be playing on a core fear of most humans – the fear of being excommunicated from the safety of the tribe. Meanwhile, the real objectives and the financial dealings of the movement can be shrouded in mystery. The leader is always right. Excuses will be made over and over again as to why the leader could never be responsible for sexual misconduct, overspending on luxury items, or committing a serious crime.

Financial Exploitation

A common denominator of all cults is the financial exploitation of their members. They will be asked to contribute high membership fees, provide funds for a new temple, and pay for the private jet or the legal fees of the cult leader. At times members would have to donate all their assets to the movement for “the common good” as a sign of their commitment and loyalty. A small portion might be channeled to real charities as a marketing ploy while the major part will be kept by the cult leader for his personal needs.

Exploitation of vulnerabilities

You might say: “This can’t happen to me.” But cults and sects are masters at exploiting human vulnerabilities and emotions. Nobody is safe. A religious sect with a therapeutic New Age touch might catch you during an especially vulnerable point in your life when you are lonely and in need of social support and love, have just gone through a divorce, lost a loved one, or have a spiritual crisis.

The political cult and charismatic leader at its head will ensnare you if you haven’t dealt with your darkest toxic emotions such as anger and fear. You are functioning on “automatic” in the fight and flight mode of your reptilian mind, separated from the prefrontal cortex of your brain responsible for critical and logical thought.

Addiction to a cult has to be treated like any other addiction. First and foremost there is the need for an honest recognition and acceptance of the problem. Concrete action has to be taken like leaving the cult, breaking all contact with its members, and possibly leaving town. What lifestyle changes, support groups, and therapy are necessary? What would my life look like without the addiction? What freedoms would I be enjoying? How can I prevent relapse and find supportive friends with a higher vibrational energy?

If you are drawn to a charismatic leader with a hate-filled, and vindictive message, ask yourself: “What anger within me is he tapping into? What can I positively change in my life, instead of delegating action to the “political messiah.”?

Walking the path of your highest calling in personal freedom and liberty is foundational to fulfilling your soul destiny and living a life of bliss. By becoming subservient to a cult you are surrendering your unique God-given authenticity and weakening your self-esteem.

You have instead a wonderful opportunity to build on self-development from the gems and wisdom of many teachers past and present who have transcended the temptations of power and ego. If you should run into that “guru” offering a seemingly perfect solution or the only path to enlightenment – you had better run.

Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker

P.S. My new book “The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom for Purposeful Living” has just been published. You might also find my other books “Deep Walking for Body, Mind and Soul” and “Walking on Edge: A Pilgrimage to Santiago” of interest. They are available where all good books are sold.

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A life dedicated to service

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II has been mourned by millions of people, many feeling the same grief as if a close family member had died. Even anti-Royalists would have to concede that the Queen triggers something deep in the collective consciousness.

The death of a famous person sends a stark reminder of our own mortality. A collective outpouring of grief on a global level has a cathartic, healing effect. We are reminded over the loss of our own loved ones who are no more. The queen herself said in a message after the 9/11 terror attacks on September 11, 2001: “Grief is the price we pay for love.”

The public image of the rich, powerful and famous is carefully crafted by teams of professional public relations experts and seldom bears resemblance to the real lives of the persons portrayed.

Individual needs, hopes, dreams, and aspirations are projected onto persons in the public limelight. It is part of the marketing strategy to remain a talking point, with tidbits of information on the private lives being fed to the yellow press at timed intervals.

The projection of hopes and dreams

The result is that the addictive consumer of gossip press knows more about some distant movie star or royal family member than about their immediate family or friends.  Sadly, they become so engrossed with the life of a complete stranger that they forget to live their own life.

There seems to be almost a masochistic indulgence in the rise and fall of some famous rock legend, movie, or sports star. Nothing seems to provide the yellow press with so much “Schadenfreude” as to elevate a superstar to a “God” and then to do everything possible to oust them from the throne.

There are indeed rare historical examples of leaders who never set a foot wrong and through their life of service become a game-changer for generations afterward. Queen Elizabeth’s vow to serve was made in a famous speech in Cape Town on her 21st birthday.

Nelson Mandela committed his life to the struggle for a non-racial democratic  South Africa. Just prior to being sentenced to life imprisonment by the apartheid government in 1961, he said:

“The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.”

Eleanor Roosevelt,  working tirelessly in the background of her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, campaigned for the rights of women in the workplace and the civil rights of African Americans.

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give,” she said in one of her most famous quotes.

Spiritual leaders made the ultimate sacrifice

Many of the world’s greatest spiritual leaders gave the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus was crucified on the cross. During the Middle Ages the Mystics and religious leaders Giordano Bruno, Jan Hus, Joan of Arc, and Marguerite Porete were burned at the stake for heresy like tens of thousands of others.

In an age where personal material gratification and narcissism have become the norm, a “life dedicated to service” has become an almost archaic term from bygone times.

It is no coincidence that a culture of narcissism is interlinked to the epidemic rise in depression. Disappointment, grievance, and loss of self-esteem are inevitable when the drumbeat of the cultural message is all external. Meaning and value are defined according to “fame parameters” such as the number of social media followers, material possessions, and particular definitions of physical beauty.

An antidote to depression?

A life of service is one of the best antidotes to depression. Studies reveal that people doing volunteer work in their community and who have a life philosophy based on serving something that far outweighes their individual needs are more successful, happier, and contented human beings.

It is why some of the world’s wealthiest people have become the world’s greatest philanthropists, using their wealth as their tool of destiny for the betterment of society.

Analysis of three waves of data from the Americans’ Changing Lives data set (1986, 1989, 1994) reveals that volunteering lower depression levels, especially for those over the age of 65. An Irish study concluded that volunteer work and as a result social connectedness improved mental health. Helping others gives a sense of meaning and purpose.

Even the Royal Family has been skillful in crafting its public image to counter growing sentiment questioning the meaning of having a monarchy. Yet, it is obvious that like Lady Diana, the Queen has touched the hearts of millions of people with small, simple gestures of kindness and compassion.

The simple things and their compound effect ultimately make all the difference in building a better world, something the Queen had obviously understood and is the message that has resounded with so many during these past days.

In a Christmas broadcast in 2002 the Queen said: “Our modern world places such heavy demands on our time and attention that the need to remember our responsibilities to others is greater than ever.” 

Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker

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You are not alone

No Man is an Island’

No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;

– John Donne – 

We realize when alone that we are not an island. During these times of crisis separation has become the watchword. It mirrors how far we have become separated in the relationship with ourselves and the natural world around us.

The writings of German philosopher Martin Buber seem particularly poignant. His most famous book “Ich und Du”, published in 1923,  roughly translates to “I and Though” with its central tenet that human life finds its purpose and meaning in relationships.

The separation from the ‘I’

Nature does not take revenge. If we go to war with nature there is merely cause and effect.  Perceiving the world, the earth, or the universe as being separate or external from the “I” is a belief-centered delusion.

Relationship is connection to Soul

Buber argues that ultimately relationship is about our connectedness to the inner soul spirit, God, or the Universe.  Ancient man and the hunter and gatherer societies are still very much aware of the connectedness of the inner spirit with the natural world.

Becoming with the Though

In the relationship with the “Though” there is a “becoming” into the wholeness of purpose and BEING. The essence of life, according to Buber, is found in the relationship with the other. With the emphasis of our culture from the “restrictions and obligations” of community” to the self-fulfillment of “individual freedom” we have fallen from one extreme to the other.

Pseudo-community or meaning is sought by the individual in pseudo-religion and the tribe affiliation to party political institutions. How else can we explain the blind following of the professional populist deceivers and the false prophets of our age?

Anybody who has gone through a divorce will know of the trauma left between two people who once loved each other. In the beginning, there is unconditional love. We see in the other, the Though, a merger or completion. Ideally, the partners support and empower each other in spiritual growth. But we often seek in the other that which has not been healed within. Disappointment is inevitable when the emotional shadows get triggered. The breakdown comes creeping slowly, respect gets lost when we see the other grappling with similar emotional issues. Communication is reduced to the mundane.

The soul journey is exploring the “Though” within. In the Gospel of St. Thomas, discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945, Jesus is quoted as saying:

“See the kingdom in the sky, then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you. ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father.” (Saying 3, p. 654.9-21).
Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor, and Consultant

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A changed world after lockdown

We are in the fifth week of our lockdown in Spain which has some of the most stringent Coronavirus rules in place. I was stopped a few days ago by police near my home who told me in no uncertain terms that taking doggy for a walk was not allowed if I had a garden where the dog could go outside.

Moving about is embedded in our genes

When this is over I will appreciate all the more my long walks in nature in the nearby Tramuntana mountains of Majorca. I have become more aware that moving about freely and traveling to faraway places has become very much part of our modern lifestyle. It will take a while to fully comprehend how farreaching an effect this is having on what we have perceived as fundamental freedoms. Our movements are likely to remain restricted for some time to come. What this means for the travel industry is anyone’s guess.

The urge to be on the move and discovering new places is embedded in our genes. Our ancestors moved from the trees to walk on the ground to seek new feeding grounds. For thousands of years, humans were nomads moving from place to place. As recently as 500 years ago there were still hunters and gatherers in many parts of Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Finding authenticity on the journey

Jewish mysticist teachers made a point of sending their students on a journey to broaden their mental and spiritual horizons. It was also a way of teaching the scholar not to become too dependent on the Master and to find their own inner authenticity. Experiential spirituality in the mystic tradition is something awaiting discovery from within and cannot be imposed externally by rules of belief.


Hiking trail, Majorca

The apprenticeship training of carpenters in Germany has for centuries followed the same tradition. After learning the basic tools of the craft from an experienced “Meister”, the apprentice goes on a “Wanderschaft” or hike to distant places to both finetune his skills and character.

Finding the empty space 

Every pilgrim who has gone on a pilgrimage on the Camino in Spain knows all about the “zoning out” into that empty space that comes when walking alone in nature for several weeks.  Experiential spirituality is a deep personal connection with the divine. Spirituality is all about following and remaining true to your divine purpose. Limitations to “Be-coming” are all too often set by the parameters of doctrine, parental expectations and the constant drum-beat of digital distractions.

When our senses are attuned to nature we find alignment with the universe. There is a close feeling of connectivity to the whole in the seemingly chaotic.

It is all the more reason to look forward again to my next annual pilgrimage. It might not take place at all this year on the Camino because we don’t know if all the restrictions will be lifted by summer. Meanwhile, it will have to be short hikes closer to home.

Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor, and Consultant

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Fear and the coronavirus

The coronavirus panic buttons are omnipresent. The fighting over toilet rolls in empty supermarkets to the social ostracising of anyone looking Chinese is telling us something about the fragile state of human society.

Where conspiracy theorists and professional deceivers on social media dominate the narrative fear takes hold.  Fear triggers stress hormones that switch off rational thought, putting the body into fight or flight mode.

Fear and panic stir the darkest sides of human nature with an “everyone for himself” attitude, nationalism, xenophobia and a fallback to the perilous age of pre-Enlightenment.


Photo by Olesya Yemets on Unsplash

Mass panic takes on its own dynamics and its anyone’s guess how long the economic fallout will be in the next few months: Complete breakdown of the cruise ship industry, and factories closing because of supply chain interruptions?

We know from neurological research that when the mind is under stress or in high emotional turmoil that cognitive and level-headed thought is impossible. You will not perceive or hear the voice of reason if you are in panic mode.

Let’s stick with the facts that come directly from the experts quoted by traditional media: The coronavirus is influenza.  If we take normal precautions the likelihood of becoming infected is relatively small and of dying from it even smaller. The victims so far have been predominantly among the elderly with a weak immune system.  With most people, it is a mild infection.

By early March the global death toll from the virus was just over 3,000 with most of them coming from China.  Both China and Italy have a large elderly population.

Humanity is faced by far greater threats than the coronavirus. Climate change has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and livelihoods as a result of flooding, heatwaves and freak storms.  One person dies every 40 seconds from suicide. It is the second leading cause of death in the age group of 15-29-year-olds globally.  And lets just look at the death toll of the normal annual flu: At least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000 – just in the United States.

We are all going to die at some point. But in a world of spiritual disconnect, the fear of death is profound. Death is not something we like to talk about. We have banished the experience of it to old age homes and hospices.

Fear of death evaporates with spiritual practice. It comes from the realization that the body is merely a vehicle to higher soul elevation that moves into a different dimension when the sojourn on this earth has come to an end.  Within a different state of consciousness, the mind quietens amid the din of confusion and panic sirens.

Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor, and Consultant

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Are we heading for an apocalypse?

A barrage of negative news from the mass shootings of innocent people, trade wars and the melting of the polar ice caps from the effects of global warming easily creates the impression that mankind is heading for an apocalypse. But moaning about the state of the world is no solution and creates a mindset of negativity.

Where attention goes energy flows

In the duality of what is life, we are confronted constantly with light and shadow. There is good and there is evil.  Where attention goes energy flows. The human mind is unfortunately hard-wired to perceive the negative before seeing the positive. It is part of the survival instinct of homo sapiens.

Magic of the moment

The downside is that we at the same time have the capacity to dwell constantly in the past or in the future, missing the magic or the gratitude of the moment. I just need to observe my dog, who will jump with joy, wagging her tail, when I just mention the sentence: “Time for a walk, Klara.”

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It is particularly difficult to find the emotional shift to positivity when we are bombarded from all sides by news of negative events.  But instead of falling into the trap of wallowing in the cloud of negativity, we need to ask ourselves the question. What can I do to change it?

The emphasis on the negative puts mankind in a defeatest, “can’t do anything about it anyway” mode. The “fight climate change” campaigns have the opposite effect as intended because the problem seems so overwhelming.

Becoming pro-active

Enormous energy can be released in human beings if they feel they are doing something purposeful for the bigger whole. Ethiopia, India, and China are some of the countries that recently launched massive tree-planting campaigns to restore landscapes and to mitigate the effects of climate change.  If every human being on earth planted a tree or a shrub we would be well on our way to boosting a restorative mindset.

The world today is a better place

Life is living on the edge. Humanity has been on the brink of extinction on numerous occasions in history. But we have come a long way since the plagues of the Middle Ages, the burning of “witches” at the stake or the sacrificing of human beings in the name of religion.  In the bigger picture, humanity today is far better off than it ever was. The average middle-class family in the Western world today has a better lifestyle than any king or queen centuries ago when there was no such thing as central heating or running water.

The problem in the modern era is information overload. We are confronted with the constant pull of countless distractions that have a mainly negative message. Should we then be surprised at the enormous rise in depression and mental illness?  We need a radical reduction in the dosage of negative news and more messages that stir hope.  And, we need to seize those moments for stillness and peace of mind, creating the space for self-discovery and purpose. It is a space that every individual needs to vigorously defend. Do not let your mind be captured by apocalyptic negativity.

Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor, and Consultant



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Escaping the treadmill

On the Camino recently I met an Italian pilgrim who has walked the northwestern Spanish pilgrimage route several times. He explained to me why he just couldn’t stop walking.

“I was feeling like part of this big machine that just keeps going.  I realized. If you want to know who you are, you have to get out of this big machine,” he said.

It’s one of the reasons a growing number of people are walking the Camino. There is a deep spiritual yearning for the discovery of the true self, of looking within. Treading the treadmill is spending most of your life in the accumulation of things. After a while, things lose their shine. The urge is to buy more things, which for many people means a never-ending spiral of debt and frustration.

When we are treading the treadmill of the big machine there is little time for reflection as we hurry through life instead of aligning ourselves with life. For me walking the Camino each year is taking time out to digest, to reflect and to cleanse body and mind.

Why is the Camino so different than an ordinary hike?

But why not walk the Appalachian Trail in the eastern United States or the Bruce Trail in Canada or some of the many other famous nature trails?

The many conversations, I have had with the pilgrims passing through the pilgrims’ hostel in Najera the past two weeks,  however, confirmed my impression that the Camino is in so many ways different than a normal hike.

The Camino works on many different subtle levels. For one thing, you are literally walking through a history book with every town and village along the Camino steeped in centuries of human architectural and artistic marvel.

A unique cultural and architectural heritage 

Najera, the little village that is the eighth stage of the Camino starting from the little French hamlet of Saint-Jean-Pied-Le-Port, dates back to Roman times, strategically located along the Najerilla river with the hilltop offering a perfect military observation area. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Navarre until it was conquered by the Muslims and then later recaptured by the Christians.


         Bridge leading into the town of Najera, monastery to the right 

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And, right in the middle of this small town of hardly 3,000 people, you will find one of the most marvelous monasteries on the Camino.

It is believed that the Camino pilgrimage path even predates the Christian era when Celtic priests celebrated ritual walks.  “I started walking the Camino as a sporting adventure and ended it as a pilgrim,”  a young man said in sharing the experience many people make on the Camino.

Celebrating the moment

A precondition to really internalizing the magic of the Camino is in the celebration of the present moment which comes after several days of walking and if you are able to avoid the treadmill trap and falling into the robot and monkey mind by constantly checking your cell phone.

It is the one big advice I would give to pilgrims starting their walk. Limit the use of your cell phone to 15 minutes a day.  So often I’ve observed people talking for hours on their cell phones while walking the Camino, robbing themselves of a truly magical experience.

Walking alone and in nature is a challenge initially. It’s about learning to accept the company of self with all its light and shadow. The feelings and emotions can at times be overwhelming but are part of the process of opening the doorway to within.

Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor, and Consultant




Filed under happiness, humanity, Pilgrimage, psychology, self-development, spirituality, Uncategorized

The walk alone

The ancient masters of all the great religions recommended time alone as a crucial means of discovering authentic self.

It was the 40 days that Jesus took for time alone in the desert to confront his own shadow and the demons of temptation.  Moses removed himself alone to Mount Sinai to receive the ten commandments from God.

Before his enlightenment the Buddha retreated for an extended time in the forests, and often went into silent retreats during his lifetime. He however cautioned that “one who goes into solitude will either sink to the bottom or rise to the top,” meaning you have to do it for the right reasons.

It is in the time spent alone that we come closest to the divine and our life purpose, especially if it is time alone in nature.


The Chinese masters of the body arts such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong called the empty space between the spokes of the wheel more important than the spoke itself.

It is in that empty dark space between the stars where you can touch the divine.

Confronting distraction

We as a society are obsessed with what the wise ancients called the distractions of the 10,000 things. Countless things pull at our attention every day in this digital age:

The news media feed on negative news, the constant subliminal messages working our emotions instill a need for material things we mostly don’t need. There is confusion between necessity and want.

It is no coincidence that with the addiction to distraction there are very few people who can truly bear to spend time alone, and be without the constant chatter.

There is such a great quote from Robin Williams that really sums it up nicely:

 “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.”

We are thus constantly seeking the accolades through social media as a reassurance. But it will seldom lead you onto the path of deeper spiritual experience.

Discover self by being alone

It is during the walk alone, the time-out during a silent retreat and the alone time in nature where the gateway to the soul opens and you begin to realize who you truly are.

It is the  time when we confront our own shadow, explore the world within, and find out where we need to take the next step.

It is during the alone time that we discover the heart, the love and the divine within. It is who we truly are and that which soul wants to illuminate.

Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor and Consultant


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