Tag Archives: russia

Pushback from dark forces

You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to see that extremist groups are exploiting global fears and uncertainties to push an agenda that threatens basic freedoms and hinders humanity’s collective progress.

Despite significant advancements over the past two decades, there is rising resistance from forces entrenched in primordial ideologies, where power is maintained through subjugation and conflict.

For your own peace of mind, it is important not to be overwhelmed by the voices of negativity emanating from the external world, but at the same time be aware of the manipulative forces trying to lure you into a false reality.

Fear and anxiety create an imagined threat

When in fear and anxiety you not only become susceptible to a false narrative but you will be held back to the next level of growth and consciousness. The natural human survival mechanism of freeze, flight, or fight mode is triggered by the primitive or “reptilian brain” when a real or imagined threat is perceived.

Those regions of the brain playing a significant part in decision-making, creativity, and problem-solving such as the prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex, and portions of the temporal and occipital lobes are literally put on hold.

Evil forces are masters at creating and manipulating grievance culture

If you are unable to reflect and put those fears and anxieties in perspective or when emotions from past trauma are suppressed, you are easy prey for manipulation by external forces. Political demagogues are masters at building a grievance culture based on existing collective fears, shame, or humiliation.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

These simple but highly effective techniques have been used by dictators, authoritarians, and cult leaders throughout history:

  • Reshaping public opinion by spreading a false and misleading narrative. Quality media and journalism characterized by in-depth reporting and fact-checking is slammed as fake news. Followers are increasingly lured into a “group-think” mentality where all other perspectives are vilified as disloyalty and betrayal.
  • The charismatic leader presents himself as a “messianic figure” promising to solve all problems and fulfill people’s needs. They promote an image of themselves as infallible leaders cultivating a cult-like devotion among followers.
  • Certain groups, individuals, parties, and minorities are scapegoated to deflect blame and to unite followers behind the leader, deflecting from their own failings and weaknesses.
  • They manipulate historical narratives to legitimize their rule and justify their actions. This can involve glorifying past achievements, whitewashing atrocities, or demonizing political opponents.
  • Independent institutions such as the judiciary, legislature, and civil society organizations are usurped to prevent checks and balances in the system. It took Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party less than three months to replace the entire German civil service with loyalists after coming to power in a democratic election in 1933.
  • Loyalists are rewarded with a combination of rewards and punishments to discourage dissent. Critics are either forced into exile, imprisoned or litigated into bankruptcy.

The Maga Republicans in the United States, Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party in Hungary, Germany’s extremist AfD party, the Putinist movement in Russia or the Erdogan program in Turkey, all show similar totalitarian characteristics and have a common agenda.

Extremist movements are adept at creating a nostalgic and glorified view of the past where in their view “there was more prosperity, less crime, less social unrest, and the woman knew her place in the social hierarchy.”

Present realities are painted darker than they actually are. Our parents and grandfathers by far did not have the same opportunities as we have today: Here a few examples:

  • Global poverty rates have declined significantly over the past two decades. Many countries, particularly in Asia, have experienced rapid economic growth, lifting millions out of poverty.
  • Technological advancements have transformed communication and access to information, enabling greater connectivity and social mobilization. Can you imagine a world today without Internet and a cell phone in your hand with all the information in the world at your fingertips?
  • Renewable energy sources have become more prominent, creating cheaper energy and boosting economic prosperity.
  • There is a growing recognition of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of environmental sustainability, social justice, and ethical living. Many spiritual and religious traditions emphasize values such as compassion, empathy, and stewardship of the Earth.
  • There has been a proliferation of spiritual movements, beliefs, and practices, reflecting diverse cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions. We are fast embracing a more tolerant and universal “cosmic religion.”

These changes could only take place with more freedoms, room for expression and acceptance of diversity and change as a fundamental part of human evolvement and advancement. It is worth fighting to protect these freedoms.

Let’s acknowledge the historical truth: extremist, fascist movements inflicted the most catastrophic human tragedy and loss of life during World War II.

Today, we stand at a critical juncture where concerted action is imperative to thwart Russia’s advances in Ukraine, a crucial player in global food exports. If the United States, were to cease armament support to Ukraine and inadvertently aid Putin’s aggression, the consequences would be dire. We could witness a mass displacement of many millions of people towards Western Europe, destabilizing societies on a global scale.

Furthermore, intelligence assessments suggest that Putin’s ambitions extend far beyond Ukraine. There are concerns of potential Russian expansion into the Baltic states and even Poland, effectively redrawing geopolitical boundaries.

Simultaneously, Putin’s regime propagates an insidious information war, sowing seeds of hatred and division in numerous countries. Alarmingly, elements within the Maga Republican movement have been parroting verbatim Russian disinformation.

However, a successful defense by Ukraine against Russian forces would not only safeguard its sovereignty but also channel resources to long-term global goals of environmental conservation, public health, poverty alleviation, and securing a brighter and more peaceful future for generations to come.

When confronted with dark forces, you have a choice: Will you follow the path of hate, division, anger, and conflict, or will you embrace your own inner truth and humanity of joy, kindness,and compassion?

Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker

P.S. I’m excited to announce the release of my latest book, “The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom for Purposeful Living.” If you enjoy it, you might also be interested in my previous works, “Deep Walking for Body, Mind and Soul” and “Walking on Edge: A Pilgrimage to Santiago.” You can find all of these titles at reputable bookstores near you.

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Filed under mental health, mental-health, psychology, purpose, raised consciousness, self-development, social media, trump presidency

The Killer in the Kremlin

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Boenhoeffer (German theologian killed by the Nazis)

A couple of days back, a startling headline lit up my screen: Russian dissident Alexei Navalny had been assassinated. The news shook me to my core, leaving me appalled at the apparent depths to which Russian leader Vladimir Putin would stoop, fully aware of the shockwaves it would send worldwide.

Navalny’s murder snuffed out a beacon of hope in the oppressive landscape of Putin’s Russia. When a leader turns to such brutal tactics, it reveals not strength but profound weakness. Navalny epitomized everything the autocrat in the Kremlin was not.

It is the nature of dictatorial regimes that they bring forth the best and the worst extremes in mankind. South Africa’s apartheid regime had shining examples of courage and humanity in Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Steve Biko, and many others. Nazi Germany had Dietrich Boenhoeffer and dissidents such as Sophie Scholl. Czechoslovakia had Vaclav Havel and Poland Lech Walesa.

Navalny’s assassination, probably directly ordered by Putin, is one of many in today’s Russia including opposition politicians, journalists, businessmen, and academics who dared speak out about the corruption, cruelty, and nepotism.

We discover who we are in confronting evil and at the same time the darkness and the light within. The external is a reflection of that which is within. Evil manifests itself where there is a complete absence of what is good and pure.

Failure to engage in self-reflection, transmuting one’s own shadows, and speaking out against evil renders one vulnerable to the influence of evil. This truth was starkly realized by figures such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Winston Churchill during World War II. Attempting to placate, appease, or negotiate with evil proves futile, as it perceives such actions as weaknesses, stemming from a consciousness devoid of moral values.

In Greek mythology, the evil Goddess Eris has the only purpose of sowing discord. She causes a conflict among the Goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite by throwing a golden apple among them with the words: “to the fairest”.

No other God wanted to be put on the receiving end of the wrath of the three Goddesses by choosing one of them as the fairest. The Goddesses then ask the mortal prince of Troy Paris to do it for them. Each tries to bribe him by pledging great gifts, and Paris then gives the apple to Aphrodite who had promised to make the most beautiful woman on earth fall in love with him.

The woman chosen was Helen, the queen of Sparta and wife to Menelaus. When Paris eloped off with her, Menelaus declared war on Troy, rallying all the Greek kings, and triggering the Trojan War.

Another Greek Goddess, Enyo, delighted in war and destruction, bloodshed, and the ransacking of cities.

The fallen angel and the lure of power

Christianity describes the devil, Satan, as a fallen angel and the very personification of evil. He was expelled from Heaven at the beginning of time after attempting to become equal to God.

The archetypal motif of the fallen angel or Lucifer is found in Summerian folklore, Roman mythology, Germanic tribes, and the Vedas.

In popular culture, we find Darth Vader, a fictional character in the Star Wars series. He is the dark father and the personification of evil in popular culture, serving the empire as its chief enforcer.

The windows to the soul

Eyes are said to be the windows to the soul with the bible quoting several passages in this vein. “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,” (Matthew 6:22). “But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Matthew 6:23).

Photo by wendel moretti on Pexels.com

I remember very well when my elderly German neighbor, who had experienced the horrors of World War II, remarked on Vladimir Putin’s ascension to power in 1999. “You can’t trust him. His eyes are cold like those of a wolf.”

U.S. President Joe Biden told Putin during a closed-door meeting in 2011: “I looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul,’ and [he] looked back at me, he said, ‘We understand each other.'”

For all those millions of people in the West who blindly follow the Russian narrative of lies, deception and fake news, I highly recommend the book: “The Killer in the Kremlin”, an explosive account and exposure of Putin’s tyranny and sinister ambitions by award-winning journalist John Sweeney.

Often evil disguises its real intentions behind a smokescreen of lies, disinformation, and false flag operations. It is the playbook of such Lords of Evil as Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. In our lifetime we have to face the truth. We have another Lord of Evil in Vladimir Putin. Over decades he has not only duped western politicians but much of the rest of the world. Let’s connect the dots just to illustrate how much this Lord of Evil has sown destruction and discord.

  • Under Putin, Soviet-era repression has given way to a marriage between kleptocracy and organized crime, turning Russia into a “Mafia state”.. Organized crime has become an outgrowth of the political machine. Mafia cells have undertaken assassinations, facilitated coercion, and extortion. Outspoken Putin critics such as Garry Kasparov have all the while warned and revealed the true nature of the monster.
  • During a closed-door meeting in the year 2000, Putin is said to have offered the wealthiest Russian oligarchs a deal: Surrender to my authority, and you can keep your mansions, and multibillion-dollar corporations. Those oligarchs who reneged on this deal and undermined Putin were thrown into prison or died under mysterious circumstances. Putin’s wealth is a secret but it can be safely assumed that he has used the oligarchs as a major source of his hidden assets.
  • Turning Russia into a Mafia-type state has given Putin huge resources to weaken Western democracies. Putin has repeatedly voiced his disgust for the multi-culturalism, sexual diversity, and free speech which he sees as a direct threat to his authoritarian and 19th-century imperialist dreams. Over the years he has funneled huge resources to rightwing and extremist groups in western countries, spreading lies and disinformation on social media through Russian state-funded bots.
  • And then the Lord of Evil decides to invade Ukraine, the world’s breadbasket, triggering the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II and possibly the deaths of millions of people in Third World countries due to famine. Meanwhile, we have become almost emotionally immune to the daily bombardment of playgrounds, hospitals, and residential buildings in Ukraine as Putin wages a war against innocent civilians.

What does humanity have to learn from all this?

We need the enemy, and the opposite perspective to gain clarity on our own core values and choices. Often the question is asked: “If there is a God, why does he allow evil?”

But we have been given the power of choice. We cannot blame dysfunctional human actions on the Creator. God has often been seen as a strict father figure punishing his flock for sinful or bad behavior. The Mystics in contrast view God, the universal creator or the divine as “a state of Being” – the connection to pure love, kindness, and compassion. The manifestation of evil would therefore be the opposite condition – the state of complete absence of God.

Napoleon Hill once said that every evil carries within it the flames of self-destruction. It was a warning by the famous mentor to his students, political and business leaders to reflect carefully on their actions and goals. When they are not in sync with the universe and designed for the benefit of all, those flames will come back to burn you.

Sometimes those flames can come in the form of such deep disgust and regret with the “Self” that it manifests in self-destructive behavior such as addiction or serious illness.

The tragedy is that the character once held by the stranglehold of the shadow demons finds himself incapable of self-reflection.

Most suffering that we experience in our personal lives or that we witness in the external world is a result of bad human choices and actions carried out from a low level of spiritual disconnect.

The word “evil” is often used in a confusing context to blame, vilify or distract.

The wisdom of the ancient Mystics can be a good guideline. Basic human nature has not changed much over the centuries. There will always be a segment of people who don’t give any regard to the outcome of their actions. Meister Eckhart, the great Dominican friar of the early fourteenth century, warned against those whose “sole concern is how to gain honors, wealth, and pleasure.”

These people, according to Eckart, are those who lack all sense of humility by “running in front of God.” Inevitably their lives will be haunted by what they call bad luck or a bad hand. They will be blaming God, fate, people different from themselves, and basically everyone for what has gone wrong in their lives. They are filled with hate, resentment, and anger. They are the malignant narcissists of our age who seek only personal validation and glory.

As the Lord of Evil and his followers spin the narrative of hate, division, and destruction some comfort can be taken from the fact that evil ultimately destroys itself because it is out of sync with the laws of the universe. The thoughts, actions, and energy you send out inevitably come back to you.

In the same way, the path of light which is that of kindness, unconditional love, compassion, unity, tolerance, gratitude, and acceptance will bless you in a multitude of ways. You will be living a happy and blissful life if you make yourself an instrument of divine purpose.

Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker

P.S. I’m excited to announce the release of my latest book, “The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom for Purposeful Living.” If you enjoy it, you might also be interested in my previous works, “Deep Walking for Body, Mind and Soul” and “Walking on Edge: A Pilgrimage to Santiago.” You can find all of these titles at reputable bookstores near you.

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