Monthly Archives: March 2014

7 Simple ways to get your energy levels back up – Part II

Here is the second of my two-part Blog series on the seven simple ways to boost your energy level, increase your lifespan and improve your general outlook on life.

The first three steps I elaborated on in my last blog were:

1. Liberating yourself from sugar addiction

2. Drinking good water

3. Eating less and eating good, seasonal local foods

  1. Moderate exercise

There is a wonder cure out there and it is so glaringly obvious that most people are simply not seeing it. You can significantly improve your health, boost your life-span, reduce your stress level, improve your mood, reduce high blood pressure and improve your bone density by simply getting more exercise.

All the latest medical research pinpoints lack of exercise as one of the major causes of many of our modern-day diseases. Even such psychological illnesses as depression are at least partly linked to lack of exercise.

Only a generation or two ago most of us humans had exercise equivalent to a brisk 20 kilometre run per day. Since the 1950s most jobs have moved from agriculture and heavy labour on the factory floor to sitting in the office.

Our anatomy and our body metabolism are not designed to sit in a chair for eight hours a day. Taking a break does not mean having your lunch in front of the computer and multi-tasking at the same time. Why not take a walk around the block for at least 20 minutes? You will feel much, much better and have more energy to cope with the typical “early afternoon energy sink-hole.”

But when you decide to get more exercise, it would be wise to do it right. Doing heavy workouts in the gym or going for long, exhausting jogging runs with no prior preparation or only periodically, will do you more harm than good. If you have to catch your breath and can hear your heartbeat “bursting from your eardrums” you are overdoing it. Give your body time to adjust, the energies to regulate themselves, before continuing at a more moderate pace.

One of my course participants, who had trouble fitting in an exercise schedule during her busy working day, chose to cycle to work by bicycle, triggering a major shift in her sense of well-being and personal health. You could also choose to climb the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Another way of tricking out the inner monster telling you it is nicer to slump down on the coach than going for a walk, would be to park the car further down the road

  1. Power nappingImage

Some of the most successful people in the world, had a habit of taking a short afternoon nap to rejuvenate. To name a few: Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and John F. Kennedy. Here are some tips on good power napping:

Most of us are not getting enough sleep. Research (Read: The science of power naps: indicates that power naps lasting no more than 10-15 minutes can boost our brains, including improvements to creative problem solving, verbal memory, perceptual learning, object learning, and statistical learning. Naps also improve our mood and feelings of sleepiness and fatigue.

  1. Avoiding vampires

 We all have vampires around us. These are the folk that are so angry and upset with life that they are preoccupied in finding the first person in the vicinity to throw their verbal garbage of negativity at you. You want to be polite and aren’t getting in a word edgewise at this person who is telling you the world has gone mad and is going downhill because all the young people are on drugs and too lazy to work. The government is controlled by a secret organisation manipulating us and isn’t it so terrible what is just happening in Timbuktu. True there are bad things happening in the world. But at the same time a lot of good things are happening at the same time. Why not shift the focus. The art of happiness is in dealing with the normal yin and yang cycle, the ups and downs, the darkness and the light of what is life. We are co-creators of our reality. Reframing and shifting the mindset to a positive spin, immediately opens the gate to a warm flow of energy.

  1. Getting into sync with nature

For the past couple of years, I’ve made it a personal ritual to take at least a two-week time-out in nature on a hike. Luckily my wife has found just as much joy in the activity. Initially you take a few days to get accustomed. The body detoxes, muscles ache and your back is hurting from lugging a backpack all day. But after walking for a couple of days many of the basic senses return. You find your natural rhythm. You smell the fresh mountain air, the grasses and herbs, hear the different bird songs, the rushing waters of a creek and feel the rain and the sun on your skin. For months after the hike, I’ve felt myself surging on a much higher energy level. It need not be a hike. You can get your hands dirty by digging in the garden, planting a tree or flower and reconnecting with the natural forces.

I am convinced there is a universal truth surrounding us from which we have been disconnected by living in concrete jungles.

Nature is a source for solace and regeneration, a way of reconnecting to your soul’s purpose by sensing your part as a human in the bigger play of things.


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7 Simple ways to get your energy levels back up

During my workshops people frequently tell me how exhausted they are from many things ranging from work pressure to emotional stresses at home. That, I tell them, is a good sign, because they are feeling their bodies and the need to do something about it.

 Your energy level determines your sense of well-being, happiness, creativity, mood and long-term quality of life. And, it is so easy to do something about it. You have the power to make that decision. Here are the first three steps. The others will follow in my next blogs:

1. Liberate yourself from sugar addiction

Freeing yourself from sugar addiction is one of the most important things you can do to boost your health. Sugar is a stimulant that puts your body on alert by boosting the stress hormone cortisol. Your blood pressure increases and initially you feel a boost of energy. The downside is that such a feeling is only short-lived like taking an addictive drug.

 Did you know that the average Pizza you buy from the supermarket is filled with the equivalent of 25 teaspoons of sugar. All the common soda drinks have equally high white sugar content. Artificial sweeteners are suspected of causing Alzheimer and many other modern-day illnesses. See this damning report on how the pharmaceutical industry managed to bring it onto the market

Sugar upsets the calcium/phosphorus ratio and thus the homeostasis process in the body. Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrients your body needs because it helps filter out waste in the kidneys and stores energy. Most of it is also used to strengthen the bones and teeth.

Try and do without sugar for about 40 days and you will feel the difference. There are alternatives out there such as unrefined raw cane sugar, honey and stevia that you can buy in any organic store.

2. Drinking good water

Water is crucial to flushing out toxins in your body and is the most crucial life-sustaining drink.  Between 50 and 75 per cent of your body is composed of water. It is responsible for functions such as digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. There are different views on how much each individual needs. It depends a lot on your age, the temperature and the amount of exercise you are doing. A lot of our tap water however is contaminated with heavy metals, hormones and pesticides. So be sure that your source of water is healthy  – ideally spring water. You can also add flavour to your water by adding frozen berries, lemon or cucumber. Your intake of calory foods and soft drinks will naturally decrease.


3. Eat less and eat healthy seasonal foods

Local seasonal foods with short transportation routes still carry a lot of nutrients that you won’t find in those supermarket foods that have been in storage for a long time before they reach your table. Even many of the power foods no longer have the nutrient level they once had because of degenerating soils, long transportation routes and genetic manipulation. (see graph below) If you eat better quality food your portions can also be smaller. Eating slowly and with pleasure also gives the body time to digest. 

Tested Vegetable






in %





















Vitamin C













folic acid


Vitamin B6























 Source: 1985 Geigy. 1996 and 2002 Food laboratory Karlsruhe/Sanatorium Oberthal, Germany. 


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Trends that could change our world

Big changes often come in many small almost unnoticeable steps. When looking back two or three decades none of us would ever have predicted the break-up of the Soviet Union and the end of apartheid in South Africa.

 We could never have imagined using technology like skype or facebook to communicate with family and friends living in distant corners of the world with a pocket-sized smart-phone from virtually any location.

 On the political side we have seen the bankruptcy of ideologies such as communism and apartheid that tried to impose fixed systems that simply could not work in a fast-changing world. I would even dare to say that what we are now seeing in the Ukraine, Russia, the Middle East, North Korea and China are the last kicks of the dying horse of political and religious dogma. And we know from the past that when major changes are coming it is initially accompanied by a lot of turmoil.

 Russian President Putin’s power-posturing in the Crimea comes out of a position of weakness and the loss of the eastern Ukraine to a people’s revolution seeking freedom. There is more to come, even in Russia itself.

 The telecommunication/communication revolution on the economic side has given hundreds of millions of people the opportunity to access information they would otherwise never have had, cutting a swathe through the censorship attempts of dictatorial governments. The Internet is far more efficient at spreading information from the grassroots than the print media ever was, much to the chagrin of many a journalist from the old school.

 After the Internet revolution of the 1990s we are now moving into an era of networking, cooperative partnerships and sustainable economies. The signs are all out there. A lot of start-ups and many very creative individuals out there are getting together to form business partnerships, sharing their talents and knowledge. Many of them are so fed-up with the banking system that they are going into Bitcoin and other alternative forms of financing such as crowd-funding, getting a lot of new technology out there that would otherwise never be available.

 The Internet makes it all possible. Many of us are already working from home and offering our talents and skills to many different employers at the same time or joining groups of other people (living in many different parts of the world) for specific projects. I am seeing a lot of the younger folk simply refusing to join the system in big companies that have a reputation of treating their employees like machines. The most innovative, creative companies are those with small, highly motivated and talented teams. These are people with a similar mind-set getting together to start something really new and enjoying what they are doing.

 We are after all social animals that love to interact with our fellow human beings. So sooner then we might think we will be beaming 3D images of ourselves across the world with the famous catch phrase from the science fiction series Star Trek “Beam me up, Scotty.”











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