Category Archives: liver

Nutrition and cancer

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

By Alyce and Reino Gevers

The sad truth about conventional cancer treatment is that little attention is being given to how big an influence nutrition and acidity in the body has on the outbreak of the disease. Cancer cells feed in an acidic environment and yet very few doctors and hospitals are looking at the connection between diet and cancer.

At the beginning of the last century, the processed food industry was still in its infancy. The connection between mass consumption of processed foods and the diseases of modern times such as cancer can be seen when looking at the slide from the New England Journal of Medicine.  Processed foods include many substances such as unnatural flavors, preservatives sugars and salts that over the years form  a toxic cocktail in the body, creating a fertilizer for cancer cells.

It is no surprise that infectious diseases were the main cause of death around 1900. Death from heart disease peaked in the 1960s while today 185.9 of every 100,000 deaths is from cancer with rising tendency. Despite billions being poured into cancer research, little progress has been made in halting the trend. It is obvious that the “cancer industry” is going to do everything possible in trying to convince us that only conventional medicine heals. Any cancer patient will tell you how difficult it is to resist the onslaught of the highly profitable  cancer machinery.

Doctors are telling patients that their chances of survival are remote if they refuse chemo. Now try and argue with a doctor who will cite statistics (lots of them stemming from the pharmaceutical industry itself) while you are already in fear from fighting a life-threatening disease.

Doctors take the Hippocratic oath and seem to have forgotten the important quote above. I’m not saying conventional treatments should be avoided. This is a very personal choice and much also depends on how far the cancer has taken hold in the body. But to completely exclude nutrition as an important part of the curing process is irresponsible.

An important complimentary cancer therapy, is the strengthening of the body’s natural immune system.  this is also very important to Chemo patients since chemo destroys ALL cells…good and bad alike.  Did you know that cancer cells divide and multiply every 18 hours, whilst normal cells divide  24 hours for the same process.  Thus, if the cancer cells find an agreeable environment in which to grow, they spread faster than the healthy cells do.  This is one of the main reasons it is of utmost importance to not feed cancer cells!  Take away their energy supply and create an alkaline environment for healthy cells to do their job.  Otherwise, the cancer cells regain the upper hand….causing recurring cancer.

Cells need a plentiful supply of oxygen,  fresh produce, harvested from good soils that can provide the essential nutrients to keep the body’s 70 billion cells in a natural equilibrium and to promote the detoxification process. First, and foremost, you need a sugar-free diet so as not to FEED CANCER CELLS, to restore natural liver function and to detoxify.  White processed sugar essentially robs the body of essential nutrients. Other immune strengthening sweetening alternatives are maple syrup, natural honey, and dates…just to name a few.

The Gerson therapy: “Healing – the GersonWay”  puts particular emphasis on restoring proper functioning of the liver, which plays a crucial role in the detoxification of the body and restoring natural physiological activities. Cancer cells have no chance in a healthy body. A body with a strong immune system cultivates a healthy cell environment that prevents cells from mutating into cancer in the first place. A healthy immune strengthening diet for cancer patients would also be meat-free, the addition of Vitamins D & C, raw juicing therapies,  high quality essential oils with Omega 3 fatty acids.   But that´s for another blog in detail.  Stay tuned…..

Image You have the choice!             Junkfood

A denatured, nutritionally empty, toxic modern diet is the main cause of today’s worsening health crisis.


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Filed under cancer, energy, healing nature, immune system, liver, nutrition, psychology

Should we care about cell-phone microwave radiation?


Just like the issue of vaccination, low-level microwave radiation from cell phones has become a highly emotionally-charged debate.

On the one hand the cell phone manufacturers and numerous government health authorities tell us that the “low-level” of radiation from tower signals and the cell phones is perfectly safe.

On the other side we are hearing a growing number of health experts warning us that the wireless technology is having numerous adverse effects such as cancer, sleep disorders and cognitive dysfunctions.

“The greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be a far greater threat on a global scale than warming, or the increase of chemical elements in the environment,” says Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of The Body Electric.

Researchers have now coined the term “electromagnetic sensitivity”. Some individuals show little or no effects when exposed to low-level radiation while others are obviously showing cardiovascular disorders and effects to the vegetative nervous system.

Here I see a correlation to the vaccination controversy. Individuals react differently. The human body is enormously complex. Individual emotional and physical responses will be different when exposed to toxins.

Proposing blanket immunisation ignores the obvious side-effects it has on certain individuals and that it should be a free choice to vaccinate or not. Likewise the claim that cell-phone radiation is harmless ignores the fact that there are harmful effects on individuals with a history of cardiovascular problems, pregnancies and sensitive child immune systems.

Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing has researched the influence of electromagnetic radiation on cardiovascular disease (published in the German magazine „Umwelt – Medizin – Gesellschaft“ 27, pages . 17 – 21 (1 / 2014)

Von Klitzing’s research has found a method to measure heart variability in relation to electrosmog sensitivity. He has concluded that there is a reduction in heart variability in relation to certain electromagnetic signals. He also found a much higher reaction to WLAN signals compared to wireless phone systems.

The fact is that we are living in a modern world where we are exposed to numerous electromagnetic fields be it in the office or at home with a tower signal or power line in the vicinity.

Very few of us would like to return to a primitive lifestyle, doing without all the modern comforts.

We can do much more than most of us believe to strengthen our body’s natural defence systems. We are not merely helpless victims exposed to the dangers “caused by someone else”. It is truly empowering to know that a healthy body is largely the result of personal choice and lifestyle management.

If you belong to the group of people with an “electromagnetic sensitivity” there are choices such as:

  • Removing energy-saving light bulbs from the interior of your home
  • Do most of your phone use from a landline
  • Switch off the WLAN at night
  • If you’re not using your phone for a longer period, especially at night, put it on airplane mode
  • Get rid of your microwave oven
  • Use a radiation free headset

Physical exercise and good nutrition will work wonders in making your body more resilient to the stresses it is being exposed to daily from our environment and our intake of industrially-produced foods. See my blog: Boosting your stress resilience

So when it comes to my question. Should we care about cell-phone radiation? We should indeed, especially if we have children or frail dependents in the home who are most likely to have an “electromagnetic sensitivity” reaction. But I am interested to hear your views on this.

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Filed under cancer, immune system, life vision, liver, low-level radiation

Boosting your energy and life vision with a liver-detox

In my previous blog I mentioned that a healthy liver is perhaps the most  crucial organ in keeping our body and soul healthy and in sync. After sumptuous meals and drinks over the festivities the New Year is a good time to think about detoxing your liver.

There are several natural and wonderful ways of doing this. It takes about two years for the cells in the liver to completely renew themselves. A healthy liver gets rid of all those toxins in the body, boosting your energy and quality of life on many levels.

Lets look at the foods you are eating. Start by reducing your intake of processed foods, carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol. Some of the super foods that will naturally cleanse your liver are:

carrots, olive oil, avocados, garlic, green tea, leafy green vegetables like spinach, artichoke, asparagus, kale, and brussel sprouts.

Fresh carrot juice with a shot of good flaxseed or olive oil and a teaspoon of Chia seed will work wonders.

You could also try the juice of half a lemon in a hot cup of water first thing in the morning. The sourness of lemons triggers nerve and hormone activation to the liver and digestive system. In general you should drink good water throughout the day as this cleanses both the liver and body. It also reduces the risk of gallstones, which results when bile becomes too concentrated in the gall bladder.

Molasses is not everyone’s cup of tea as the taste is bitter and takes some getting used to. But try this recipe over ten days:

Two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of molasses, one tablespoon of virgin olive oil, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a cup of warm water.

From a physical aspect all the martial arts such as Judo, Karate, the Tai Chi Quick Fist, Push-Hands or Sword Form are excellent in stimulating your liver energy and getting rid of suppressed anger.

On the mental level an imbalanced liver is very often related to cynicism, anger, irritability and excessive irony. Am I having difficulty in coping with losses, disappointments and shattered dreams? Is it not time to renew my visions, my dreams and what I really want from life?

Road on the sky

Here is an exercise that might help you. Take at least a 15-minute breaks once a day to do the following. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for at least a count of up to 21. Then visualise how you would like your ideal life to be like without any restrictions or boundaries. What job would I like to have? What house do I ideally want to live in? What is my ideal of a happy relationship, friendships and social life? Don’t get disturbed by curve balls like self-pity, negative thoughts and emotions.

Every thought can become reality but you need to give it thought and time to take root and flourish.

It gets more energy if you write it down in every detail and use as many pictures and images as possible.

A really good time for such a future vision is right now and in the months just before the first signs of spring.

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Filed under energy, life vision, liver

Keeping the “general” in your body happy

liver_energyA healthy liver is not only crucial in detoxing our body and staying fit and healthy, it influences strongly our mood, enthusiasm and the joyfulness of being in there here-and-now.

In Chinese medicine the liver is often compared to the strategic general at the head of an army, utilising the power of body and mind to keep us in a state of equilibrium.

The liver is an amazing organ, dealing with hundreds of tasks and working overtime in dealing with carcinogenic materials and other toxins that bombard the body. One of its primary functions is the storage of blood and regulating the flow of blood to the circulatory system in accordance with our physical activities. When the body is resting the blood is kept in “storage” for the next phase of activity.

In addition the liver controls the activity of muscles, tendons and bands, ensuring a smooth interaction of joint and muscle movement. When we speak of a low level of “liver blood” in the body this is reflected on tendons becoming stiff and inflexible, causing stiff body movement and joint pains. We literally can’t move to do the things we want to do.

But there is much more that comes to play on an emotional and psychological level. In my book Yield and Overcome I go into more detail on how the body organs are related to elements and cyclical seasonal influences. On a subtle level the liver is home to the ethereal soul, that continues to exist after death. It is about transmuting the challenges we are faced with in this world and following our true calling or soul path. As we grow spiritually we bring a little of “heaven to earth”.

When the ethereal soul becomes separated from its “physical home” it loses connection to its true destiny and meaning in life. We lose sense of direction and being in the here and now. When plans and visions start failing or when we are forced to do things we find to be meaningless, we either start feeling depressed, listless and low on energy or have bouts of anger and resentment. We blow our lid at the smallest irritation.

When we see a person following his or her calling watch the glow and enthusiasm in their eyes. The liver expresses itself in the eyes. In the same way a diseased liver or one that is out of balance will show in the “grey” of the “living dead”.

The good news is that the liver has an enormous capacity to regenerate itself. Dr. Max Gerson, MD ( 1881-1959) assumed it would take 12 to 15 generations of new cells to form a totally new and healthy liver. He specified a period of about 18 months to fully heal and restore the liver of advanced cancer patients. However experts believe that the amount of toxins the human body has to cope with today will require a longer period of two years or more.

So in our modern world the liver energy is confronted with on the one hand the many distractions on a mental plane while at the same time having to deal with major challenges on a physical level.

Some questions that arise in connection with the liver energy are:

  • How do I feel when I get up in the morning? Am I joyful or depressed?
  • Have I found my place in the bigger picture of things?
  • Do I really enjoy my work?
  • Where do I really feel at home?
  • Where is my energy or enthusiasm blocked?
  • Am I feeling constantly tired and listless?
  • Do I have a problem with anger management?

Apart from liver-cleansing nutrition there are various good methods of bringing your liver energy back into flow, but more on that in my next blog

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Filed under cancer, energy, liver